Sets the width of the Display Manager in pixels. If set to invalid (default), DispMgrWidth uses the VStatus(Self(), 26) call to determine the default width of the Display Manager based on the video board and screen characteristics of your workstation.
This setting applies to the page area, not the entire VTScada application. Borders, scroll bars and the title bar must all be accounted for in addition to the DispMgrWidth value.
The border of a window can vary in width depending on the value set for your Active Window Border Size (found in the advanced properties of the Windows Desktop Properties: Appearance) If set to 1, the border will be 4 pixels around the window. Each additional number in the setting adds one pixel. Thus, if your screen resolution is set to 1024x768 and you set the DispMgrWidth to 1024, the page will not fit the screen, since the page width will exceed the available space by a distance equivalent to the width of two borders, plus the vertical scroll bar, if visible.
As a guideline, the DispMgrWidth should be set at least 8 pixels less than the current screen width.
Related Variables: To set the height of the Display Manager, use DispMgrHeight.
This variable takes precedence over setting DispMgrFullScreen = 1.
Section: System
Default: DispMgrWidth =