Custom Privileges
Custom privileges are those that developers create for a given application. They are generally used to restrict access to custom pages and output tags. While general privileges control such actions as acknowledging alarms and adding pages, it is the job of Custom Privileges to restrict access to developer-created pages and writing to output tags.
Every custom privilege will have an index number, starting at 16. Also, every custom privilege is enumerated in the configuration file, Settings.Dynamic with values starting at zero. When writing expressions that check privileges, add 16 to the enumerated value in Settings.Dynamic.
The first variable in this section, PrivBitsTotal, is a count of the current number of custom privileges. For each privilege, the number following the name controls the order in which the privileges will be displayed in the user interface.
Separator lines for the user interface are stored using the format, "PrivSepDesc0 = -- Description, 1".
For example, the following set of privileges:
PrivBitsTotal = 2
PrivDesc0 = PageAccess, 0
PrivDesc1 = StationAccess, 1
Matches this set in the Privileges dialog.