
Description: Draws a layered text label in a window.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Graphics
Related to: GUIText | Format
Format: ZText(Left, Bottom, Value, Color, Font)
Required. Any numeric expression for the left side coordinate of the text.
Required. Any numeric expression for the bottom side coordinate of the text.
Required. Any text expression to display on the screen.
Required. May be any of the following:
Required. Any expression for the font value to use. A numeric zero (0) may be used to get the default system font.

Although this is a layered graphic, it cannot be edited using the Idea Studio. It is for use within text mode editing only.

Will not display tab characters.


ZText(100, 100 { Lower left corner of text },
      "Hello World" { Text to display }, 
      2 { Text is green}, 
      0 { Use default font }); 

This places the string "Hello World" on the screen at (100, 100) with white text in the system font.

ZText(500, 100 { X, Y coordinates },
       Format(0, 2, DeadBand(pressure, 5)) { Displayed value }, 
       0, 0); 

This displays the value of variable, "pressure" on the screen. However, the display is only updated when pressure changes by more than 5 (higher or lower) from the last update.