
Deprecated. Do not use in new code.

Description: Draws a layered text edit field in a window and returns a status value. Not editable when viewed on a VTScada Thin Client.
Returns: Numeric
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Editor,  Graphics
Related to: Cast | WinEditCtrl
Format: ZEditField(Left, Bottom, Right, Top, TextVar, Length, Font, FocusID)
Required. Any numeric expression for the left side coordinate of the field.
Required. Any numeric expression for the bottom side coordinate of the field.
Required. Any numeric expression for the right side coordinate of the field.
Required. Any numeric expression for the top side coordinate of the field.
Required. Must be a variable. The result of the text editing will be stored here. The value in this field will be automatically inserted into the field.
Required. Any numeric expression for the number of characters allowed in this field.
Required. Any expression for the font value to use.

Required. Any numeric expression from 0 to 32767 for the focus ID number. This is used to force the focus to this item. Values below zero will render this control invisible. A value of zero makes this control visible, but not editable. With values above zero, the control will be editable.

Comments: Although this is a layered graphic, it cannot be edited using the Idea Studio. It is for use within text mode editing only. The colors for this graphic are taken from Microsoft Windows™.
The return values for this function are as follows

Return Value



Internal buffer changed


<CR> pressed


Focus has been lost

Although data may be entered in the field, TextVar is not set until <RETURN> is pressed, or a change in focus occurs. This is crucial when setting other variables based on TextVar. As their values may not be set prior to a state change if <RETURN> has not been pressed.

This function does not check the input type, but converts all data to text. Data that is required to be of a type other than text must be converted to that type using the Cast function.

Within an Anywhere Client session, this function does nothing.

if the application is to be used on a VTScada Internet Client, WinEditCtrl should be used instead of ZEditField.


ZEditField(100, 500, 200, 470 { Bounding box for field },
           inputVal { Input value }, 
           3 { Max chars allowed in input }, 
           0, 1 { Default font and focus ID }); 

This statement will accept up to 3 characters of input and store it in inputVal. If inputVal has a default value, that value will be shown in the white edit field box until it is changed.