
Description: Watches an array and returns true if any of its elements' types or values change.
Returns: Boolean
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Array, Variable
Related to: Change | Edge | Watch
Format: WatchArray(Start, ArrayElem, NumElem)
Required. Any expression which evaluates to a false (0) or true (non-0) value. This will be the initial return value of the function.
Required. Any numeric array element giving the starting element of the group of elements to watch. The subscript for the array may be any numeric expression. If processing a multidimensional array, the usual rules apply to decide which dimension should be examined.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the number of array elements to watch. If NumElem extends past the upper bound of the lowest array dimension, this computation will "wrap-around" and resume at element 0, until N elements have been located.
Comments: This is a resettable function whose initial return value will be set by the first parameter. This parameter is ignored after the initial evaluation of the function.


If WatchArray(0, dataArray[0], 10);

This script will be executed if any of the elements from 0 to 9 inclusive experience a change by any amount, if they become invalid, or if their type changes.

Latching and Resetting Functions