
Description: Sends a query to the Windows™ Performance Monitor interface (see image in WKSPath) and returns the result as a query handle.
Returns: Handle
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Hardware and Software,  Network
Related to:
Format: WKSStatus(Query, OperationType)
Required. The query to be sent to the Performance Monitor. The query path should be built using WKSPath, possibly refined by being passed through WKSList.
Required. Controls the operation according to the following values:




Get value


Get error value.


Generate handle (QueryHandle must be a path)


Clear handle


Returns a number of type double as a result of the query provided. Upon error, the result will be invalid. The operation type can be set to 1 to obtain the error code. Note that some queries must be checked multiple times before a result will be produced, therefore not all error codes are critical.

WKSPath | WKSList


handle = WKSStatus("\\MyPC\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time", 2);
         { get a handle that will query total processor time }
  IfThen(status = WKSStatus(handle, 1), { do a test for errors }
     … error …
      { error code zero means things are okay,
          everything else is a fault code }
  value = WKSStatus(handle, 0);
       { make a priming read - some queries require two reads before
          producing data }
     … wait one second … 
       { let some time pass before the second read }
  value = WKSStatus(handle, 0);  { read some data }
  IfThen(status = WKSStatus(handle, 1), 
       { before using the data make sure there weren't any problems }
     … error …
  WKSStatus(handle, 3);
       { close the handle when done, note that the same handle can be
         reused as long as needed. }
       { A new handle is not necessary for each read }