
Description: Returns the video board and screen characteristics for VTScada.
Returns: Varies - see table in Option parameter
Usage: Script or steady state.
Function Groups: Software and Hardware,  Window
Related to: Coordinates | PalStatus | GetDisplayRoot
Format: VStatus(Window, Option)
Required. The object value of the window to request information on. This may be invalid and is therefore ignored for Options which do not depend upon a particular window.
Required. Selects the video characteristic to return, as shown in the following table.


Video Characteristic


Reserved for future use


Reserved for future use


Reserved for future use


X Coordinate of left side of the window. This is the client area of the window and does not include the title or borders.


Y Coordinate of bottom side of the window. This is the client area of the window and does not include the title or borders.


X Coordinate of right side of the window. This is the client area of the window and does not include the title or borders.


Y Coordinate of top side of the window. This is the client area of the window and does not include the title or borders.


Number of horizontal pixels of resolution of the virtual client area of the window. This doesn’t include the window border. Shrinking the window to make scroll bars appear doesn’t affect this number.


Number of vertical pixels of resolution of the virtual client area of the window. This doesn’t include the title or border of the window. Shrinking the window to make scroll bars appear doesn’t affect this number.


Number of color indexes available in the palette for the window. This is always 256.


Background color of the window as an RGB color string. Any areas of the window which are not drawn appear as this color.


Number of horizontal pixels currently visible in the client area of the window. This doesn’t include the window borders. Shrinking the window to make scroll bars appear decreases this number.


Number of vertical pixels visible in the client area of the window. This doesn’t include the window title bar or borders. Shrinking the window to make scroll bars appear decreases this number.


Window width in pixels including the window borders.


Window height in pixels including the title bar and borders.


Current coordinates of left side of window on the screen. The coordinates used are in pixels and relative to the screen where 0, 0 represents the upper left corner of the screen. The position referred to is the upper leftmost corner of the window title bar.


Current coordinates of top side of window on the screen. The coordinates used are in pixels and relative to the screen where 0, 0 represents the upper left corner of the screen. The position referred to is the upper leftmost corner of the window title bar.


Current coordinates of left side of visible area taking into account the position of the horizontal scroll bar.


Current coordinates of top side of visible area taking into account the position of the vertical scroll bar.


Window title bar height in pixels.


Horizontal scroll bar height in pixels.


Vertical scroll bar width in pixels.


Window thick border width in pixels. This border type may or may not be used in the present window. This information is a general property of the desktop configuration of the user and can be acquired without a valid first parameter to VStatus.


Window thick border height in pixels. This border type may or may not be used in the present window. This information is a general property of the desktop configuration of the user and can be acquired without a valid first parameter to VStatus.


Window thin border width in pixels. This border type may or may not be used in the present window. This information is a general property of the desktop configuration of the user and can be acquired without a valid first parameter to VStatus.


Window thin border height in pixels. This border type may or may not be used in the present window. This information is a general property of the desktop configuration of the user and can be acquired without a valid first parameter to VStatus.


Width of full screen in pixels. Consider using option 35 instead.


Height of full screen in pixels. Consider using option 35 instead.


1 if window is minimized.


1 if window is maximized.


Maximum horizontal scroll position.


Maximum vertical scroll position.


Number of horizontal pixels offset from the left outside edge of the window border and the first usable pixel in the client area of the window.


Number of vertical pixels offset from the top of the window title bar and the first usable pixel in the client area of the window.

34Ribbon height

The dimensions of the display device, or monitor, of the window that WindowObj is running in.

Returns an eight-member structure with the following members:

  • Left, the left co-ordinate of the monitor, which can be negative
  • Top, the top co-ordinate of the monitor, which can be negative
  • Bottom
  • Right
  • Width, for convenience, since this can be calculated using Left and Right.
  • Height
  • CenterX, the horizontal center of the monitor, for convenience
  • CenterY, the vertical center of the monitor.

The dimensions of the virtual display.

Returns a structure with the same members as option 35, but with values that reflect the entire Windows desktop.


ZGrid(VStatus(Self(), 3) { Left edge of window },
      VStatus(Self(), 4) { Bottom edge of window },
      VStatus(Self(), 5) { Right edge of window },
      VStatus(Self(), 6) { Top edge of window },
      12 { Grid is red }, 
      10, 10 { X and Y spacing });

This draws a 10 by 10 red color dotted grid in the entire area of the current window.