
Description: Returns an indication of whether the locator (e.g. mouse) is within a specified screen area.
Returns: Boolean
Usage: Script or steady state.
Function Groups: Locator
Related to: Click | Pick | SetXLoc | SetYLoc | XLoc | YLoc | GUITransform
Format: Target(X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
Required. Any numeric expression giving the X coordinate on the screen of one side of the screen area ("target").
Required. Any numeric expression giving the Y coordinate on the screen of either the top or bottom of the screen area ("target").
Required. Any numeric expression giving the X coordinate on the screen of the side of the "target" opposite to X1.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the Y coordinate on the screen of either the top or bottom of the target, whichever is the opposite of Y1.

This function returns true if the locator position is within the boundaries of the "target" ((X1,Y1) - (X2,Y2)). If the locator is not installed, the function will return false (0).

Note: This function is disabled when using a GUITransform as a GUIStrectch.


If Target(120, 50, 220, 80);

This statement will cause the script to execute whenever the mouse passes over the target area.