
Description: Breaks up a file path name into its components.
Returns: Nothing (path components are returned in the parameters)
Usage: Script or steady state.
Function Groups: File I/O
Related to: Dir | FileFind
Format: SplitPath(FullName, Drive, Path, File, Extension)
Required. Any text expression giving the full path name.
Required. Any variable, which is set to the drive letter in FullName, plus a colon. If FullName doesn't contain a drive specification, Drive is a null string. If this information is not required, a constant may be used for this parameter.
Required. Any variable, which is set to the directory path in FullName, ending in a backslash. If FullName doesn't contain a path specification, Path is a null string. If this information is not required, a constant may be used for this parameter.
Required. Any variable, which is set to the file name in FullName. If FullName doesn't specify a file name, File is a null string. If this information is not required, a constant may be used for this parameter.
Required. Any variable, which is set to the file extension in FullName, including a period). If FullName doesn't specify a file extension, Extension is a null string. If this information is not required, a constant may be used for this parameter.


SplitPath("C:\MyApps\App1\Info.TXT", drv, pth, fName, ext);

The values of drv, pth, fName and ext will be "C:", "\MyApps\App1\", "Info" and ".TXT" respectively.

SplitPath("D:\Apps\Profiler\GDI.WIF", drv, pth, 0, 0);
appPath = Concat(drv, pth);

Note the use of "0" for parameters that are not required.