
Description: When called with a Page Name, will cause that page to display in the caller's display session context.
Returns: Object reference
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Graphics
Related to:
Format: \Code\DisplayManager\ShowPage(PageName[, ForceWin, Parm0, ... Parm99]);

Required. Any text expression for the page to show. This is the name of the module as declared in AppRoot.

If referencing a page in a subordinate application, prepend the name of the subordinate tag. For example, "SubTagName\Overview".

Optional. Any Boolean value, which if valid and true, requests a new window for the page.
Parm0 through Parm99
Optional. Any parameters to be passed to the page as it is opened.

The page's window flags will have priority over the value of ForceWin. A page configured to never open in a pop-up won't, even though you set ForceWin to TRUE. The currently signed-in user's security privileges are checked to ensure they have the right to view the page before VTScada opens it.

Returns the window object that calls the page.

To determine whether a page is already open before calling this function use:


... where PageModuleName is the name of the page module.


If IconPressed[#AlarmIcon];
  { Alarm icon -- switch to alarm page if clicked }