Description: |
Sets the mouse cursor type for the window. |
Returns: |
Nothing |
Usage: |
Script Only. |
Function Groups: |
Graphics, Locator, Window |
Related to: |
Format: |
SetCursor(Type) |
Parameters: |
Type |
Required. Usually a numeric expression giving the cursor type to display according to the following table, but may also be a text argument giving the full path of the image file to be loaded as the cursor. Most of the common image files formats can be used. If giving the image file, the size of the cursor will be the system default.Type | Cursor Type |
-1 | Set the cursor to the parent window's cursor | 0 | Normal Select (Standard arrow) | 1 | Busy (Waiting hourglass) | 2 | Text Select (Text I-beam) | 3 | Precision Select (Crosshairs) | 4 | Unavailable (Slashed circle) | 5 | Move (Four-pointed arrow pointing north, south, east, and west) | 6 | Diagonal Resize 2 (Double-pointed arrow pointing northeast and southwest) | 7 | Vertical Resize (Double-pointed arrow pointing north and south) | 8 | Diagonal Resize 1 (Double-pointed arrow pointing northwest and southeast) | 9 | Horizontal Resize (Double-pointed arrow pointing west and east) | 10 | Alternate Select (Vertical arrow) | 11 | Working in Background (Standard arrow and small hourglass) | 12 | Help Select (Standard arrow and small hourglass) |
Comments: |
This statement will affect the cursor in the current window in which it is executed. The appearance of the cursor will depend on the current Windows™ cursor settings. The changed cursor will only be displayed within the client area of the window. Changing the cursor for a window will change the cursor for its child windows unless the child windows use SetCursor to change their cursor. |
If editFlag EditText;
This is a script that might be executed prior to opening an editor window, for which a Text Select style cursor is desired.
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