This is a submodule of an Alarm List widget. This function can only be used when referring to an instance of an Alarm List that you have placed on a page.
Reserved |
Optional. Set to Invalid |
TextInDescription |
Optional text. Filters for alarms with a matching description. Wild cards are allowed. |
TextInDescription_Case |
Optional Boolean. True if the text in the description filter is case-sensitive. |
TagName |
Optional text. Filter for alarms with a matching tag name. Wild cards are allowed. |
TagName_UniqueID |
Optional text. Filter for alarms with a matching unique ID value. |
TagName_Children |
Optional Boolean. Set to TRUE to include children of the tags. |
Area |
Optional text. Filter for alarms with a matching area value |
Priority |
Required numeric. Filter for alarms with a matching priority. |
Priority_orHigher |
Required Boolean. Set to TRUE to include alarms with a priority higher than that specified. |
User |
Required text. Filter for alarms handled by the matching user. |
Reserved |
Set to Invalid. |
Action |
Optional text. Filter for alarms with the matching action string (Trip, Rearm, Shelve, etc) |
DateRange_Start |
Optional timestamp. Filter for alarms later than this date and time. |
DateRange_End |
Optional timestamp. Filter for alarms earlier than this date and time. |
Units |
Optional text. Filter for alarms with the matching units. |
ShowShelved |
Optional Boolean. True to show shelved alarm records. |
ShowConfig |
Optional Boolean. True to show configuration records. |
SearchString |
Optional text. Search field string. |
Comments: |
Any property that you do not want to filter for should be set to Invalid. |
{ Draw an Alarm List widget that can be filtered by a selected area, storing the reference } { to that object in a variable. (The variable is named MyAlarmListObj in this example) } { The variable, SelectedArea, is assumed to be set by code not shown here. } GUITransform(513, 656, 1413, 156, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 { Scaling }, 0, 0 { Movement } 1, 0 { Visibility, Reserved }, 0, 0, 0 { Selectability }, MyAlarmListObj = Scope(\Code, "Library", TRUE)\DrawAlarmList(Invalid, Invalid, "History", "<FFFFFFFF>", "<FF000000>", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, Invalid, Invalid)); { Update the filter when SelectedArea changes } MyAlarmListObj.SetCurrentFilter(Invalid, Invalid, Invalid, Invalid, Invalid, Invalid, SelectedArea);