
Description: Send Serial Port Byte. This statement sends a byte to the transmit buffer.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Serial Port,  String and Buffer
Related to: COMPort | SerCheck | SerIn | StrLen | SerRcv | SerRTS | SerSend | SerStrEsc | SerString | SerWait
Format: SerOut(Port, Value)
Required. Any numeric expression for the serial port number (opened with a ComPort function) or any stream value.
Required. Any numeric expression which gives the byte value to send. Value must be in the range 0 to 255.
Comments: The byte will not be sent if the transmit buffer is full.


If MatchKeys(2, "t");
  SerOut(2, Cond(chkSum == calcChksum, 6, 21);

This waits until the operator presses the "t" key, then it compares chkSum to calcChksum. If equal, a 6 byte (ASCII ACK) is sent. If not equal, a 21 byte (ASCII NAK) is sent. The serial port used is 2.