
Description: Replaces a statement with another statement.
Warning: This function should be used by advanced users only since irrevocable alteration of your application may occur.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Compilation and On-Line Modifications,  States
Related to: Compile
Format: ReplaceStatement(NewS, Location, Size, Adjust)
Required. Any expression for the statement value of the new statement. (This value can be obtained using the Compile function.)
Required. Any expression for the code value that indicates what statement to replace. (This value can be obtained using the Compile function.)
Required. Any numeric expression for the size of the new statement text, in characters.
Required. Any logical expression. If true, the text in the file will be moved to allow for the statement that is being replaced. If false, the text will not be moved.
Comments: This statement is disabled in the run time version of VTScada. It will do nothing.