
Description: Renames an existing file.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: File I/O
Related to: GetFileAttribs | SetFileAttribs
Format: Rename(OldName, NewName)
Required. Any text expression for the current name of the file to be changed. A known path Known Path Aliases for File-Related Functions may be provided in the form, :{KnownPathAlias}.
Required. Any text expression for the new name that the file is to be changed to. A known path alias may be provided in the form, :{KnownPathAlias}.
Comments: This statement will rename the file regardless of its attributes and the attributes will not be changed. If the file to be renamed does not exist, a file will not be created.


Rename(Concat(appPath, "TestMod.SRC"),
Concat(appPath, "Test1.SRC"));

This statement changes the name of a file from "TestMod.SRC" to "Test1.SRC".