
Description: Helper function used to record settings without needing to explicitly interact with the settings files. Can modify one or more properties within a single specified file, and commits the result.
Returns: Object (which becomes invalid on completion)
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Configuration Management
Related to:
Format: LayerRoot\RecordProperty(SettingsFile, Section, Name, Value, Comment, CommitComment[, Deploy, CallerHasLock, ClearSection, Workstation])
Required. Text or Integer. The name of the settings file to be altered.
As a convenience this parameter can also be an integer representing any of the four standard settings file types as follows:
0 => workstation.Dynamic
1 => Settings.Dynamic
2 => workstation.Startup
3 => Settings.Startup
Required. May be the name of the section that the property belongs to, or an array of section names.
Required. May be the name of the property to modify, or an array of property names.
Required. May be the value to be set for the property, or an array of values matching the array of property names.
Optional. May be the comment to add to the property or an array of comments matching the array of property names.
If invalid, the existing comment will be used.
Optional. The comment to be added when the change is committed to the repository.
Optional Boolean. Set TRUE to deploy the change immediately.
Optional Boolean. Set TRUE if the caller holds the layer lock in write mode.
Optional Boolean. Set TRUE to empty the section (or sections if an array was provided), before writing the new value(s).
Optional text. If an integer 0 or 2 was used for the SettingsFile parameter, then the name of the workstation should be provided.
Defaults to the current workstation (WkStaInfo(0)) if missing or invalid.
Comments: This function returns an object which becomes invalid when the operation (handled asynchronously) is complete.
