
(System Library)

Description Reads a single Settings file and returns an INIFile Structure.

Replaces ReadINI and ReadSectINI
Returns INIFile Structure. See comments.
Usage Script Only.
Function Groups Configuration Management, File I/O
Related to: WritePropertiesFileGetINIProperty | ReadConfiguration | SetINIProperty
Format: \System.ReadPropertiesFile(File[, IsBuffer, SuppressOrphanedComments])
Required. Any text expression giving the full path and file name of the Settings file or the buffer containing its contents, depending on the IsBuffer parameter.
An optional logical expression. Set TRUE if the File parameter is a buffer. Defaults to FALSE (0).
An optional logical expression. If TRUE then "+PseudoProperty"s - comments that aren't associated with a property will be left out. Defaults FALSE.

Returns arrays that are ordered by how they appear in the Settings file.

The INIFile structure returned is as follows:

INIFiles Struct [
  FileName    { full path and file name to the settings file          };
  OEM         { TRUE if an OEM layer file                             };
  Workstation { Name of the workstation or invalid if global          };
  Layer       { Instance of application layer owning the file         };
  Dynamic     { TRUE if a dynamic property                            };
  Sections    { Dictionary of sections each element of which 
                is an array of Property structures         };
  Changed     { User sets to true if the file has been changed, 
                initialized to false                                  };

The INIProperty structure is…

INIProperty Struct [
    Name        { Variable name in the .startup/.dynamic file  };
    Value       { Simple value                                 };
    Comment     { Text comment if present in the file          };
    Hidden      { TRUE if not visible in Edit Properties GUI   };

The INIFiles structure can be modified using SetINIProperty.

Note that if your intention is to read a configuration file, this function should be called from within a ReadConfiguration callback or a ModifyConfiguration callback.


Properties = ReadPropertiesFile(Concat(GetWCPath(),
Name       = GetINIProperty(Properties\Sections["Application"], "Name");