
Deprecated. Do not use in new code.

Description: Draw a double line
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Graphics
Related to: GUIPipe | Line | ZPipe
Format: Pipe(Width, Color, Curvature, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, ...)
Required. Any numeric expression giving the spacing of the lines in units of X screen coordinates. The width is always rounded to result in an odd number of pixels on the screen. The minimum width displayed will be 1 pixel.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the VTScada Color Palette of the pipe.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the radius of curvature of the corners for the pipe. This is specified in units of X screen coordinates.

If the number of endpoints is 2, the Curvature is ignored.
X1, Y1, X2, Y2, ...
Required. Any numeric expressions giving the screen coordinates of the pipe endpoints.

The radius of curvature of the pipe corners is the radius of the arc that joins the line endpoints. A Curvature of 0 results in sharp (square) pipe corners. Larger Curvature numbers result in greater rounding of the pipe corners.
This statement is useful for drawing piping on the screen, especially if it changes dynamically.

Within an Anywhere Client session, this function does nothing.


Pipe(10 { Width of pipe in pixels },
     11 { Light cyan color },
     20 { Radius of curvature in pixels },
     100, 100 { Coordinates of first point },
     0, 900 { Coordinates of second point },
     100, 200 { Coordinates of third point },
     200, 500 { Coordinates of fourth point });

This statement draws a cyan colored pipe, 50 pixels wide between four points.