
Description: Returns a pen value.
Returns: Pen
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Color,  Graphics
Related to: Brush
Format: Pen(Color, Style, Width)
Required. Any numeric expression giving the color of the line.. Any of the following may be used:
Required. Any numeric expression giving the Line Types. Valid line styles are from 1 to 5 inclusive for standard lines. A line style of 1 is a solid line.
If the Pen command is used within a GUIPolygon to draw a pipe, the use line style 100 (constant: PEN_STYLE_PIPE).
Required. Any numeric expression that gives the line width in pixels.
Comments: Pen values are used in layered graphics statements that draw lines (such as GUIArc or GUIRectangle).


GUIArc(728, 227, 477, 50 { Bounding box for arc },
       1, 1, 1, 1, 1 { No scaling },
       0, 0 { No trajectory or rotation },
       1, 0 { Arc is visible; reserved },
       0, 0, 0 { Cannot be focused/selected },
       Pen(14 { yellow }, 3 { dotted }, 2 { pixel width }),
       Vertex(1 { Double smooth mode },
       Point(602.5, 138.5, Invalid, Invalid),
       Point(710, 293, Invalid, Invalid),
       Point(413, 52, Invalid, Invalid)));

This shows how a Pen statement may be used to affect the attributes of a drawing object. In the above example, the arc will be drawn with a dotted yellow line 2 pixels wide.