
Description: Returns a graphics path value.
Returns: Path
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Graphics
Related to: GUIPolygon | Point | Trajectory | Vertex
Format: Path(Closed, V1, V2, ...)
Required. Any logical expression. If true, this is a closed path, and the last Vertex is considered to be connected to the first point. If false, this is an open path ending at the last Vertex.
V1, V2, ...
Required. Any expressions that return Vertex values.
Comments: A path is a series of Vertex values, connected by either straight lines or Bezier curves. A path may be open, with two separate ends, or closed, with one continuous loop from the last vertex to the first. A Path value is used in such things as the GUIPolygon layered graphics function to specify its shape or in a Trajectory value to specify the path of animation or translation.


truckPath = Path(0 { Open path, doesn't close on self },
                Vertex(0 { Rectangular mode },
                Point(20, 200, Invalid, Invalid),
                Point(20, 200, Invalid, Invalid),
                Point(20, 200, Invalid, Invalid)),
                Vertex(0 { Rectangular mode },
                Point(200, 200, Invalid, Invalid),
                Point(200, 200, Invalid, Invalid),
                Point(200, 200, Invalid, Invalid)),
                endVertex { A variable containing a vertex });

This shows a 3 vertex path with one vertex found in a variable. This vertex might be used in other functions, such as another path.