Description: |
Draws an interface to allow the user to choose how to edit a parameter. Used in tag widgets. |
Returns: |
Self |
Usage: |
Steady State only. |
Function Groups: |
Graphics, Variable |
Related to: |
NumericParameterEdit | ParameterSet |
Format: |
\ParameterEdit(ParmVal, ParmPtr, Enable, Title, Modules, Contexts, Parameters, TitleWidth, StartIndex, PtrWaitClose, DialogRoot[, FocusID, Description]) |
Parameters: |
ParmVal |
The variable to be changed. Metadata indicating the revision number (always 0) must be attached. |
ParmPtr |
Code Pointer to the parameter value so the ParameterEdit modules can dissect and categorize it |
Enable |
Flag - TRUE to enable the drawing of this parameter edit module. |
Title |
Title for this parameter |
Modules |
Array of module names (snap-ins such as ParmEditColor, etc.) for parameter editing |
Contexts |
No longer used. Should be set to INVALID. Context is always \Code. |
Parameters |
Parameters for the parameter edit modules. A multidimensional array, where each sub-array is a parameter list for each of the entries in the Modules array. |
TitleWidth |
Width allotted for the title. If Invalid, uses a standard size (160px). |
StartIndex |
Starting Index for Parm Edit Modules |
PtrWaitClose |
Set to true to tell caller to wait to close |
DialogRoot |
Calling dialog window |
FocusID |
Optional focus ID value from 0 to 32767 . Defaults to 1 if the control is enabled, otherwise 0. The parameter edit control will have two parts and thus use two ID values: the one specified (or the default) and one greater than that. |
Description |
Optional text, describing this parameter |
Comments: |
Metadata indicating the version number must be added to the ParmVal parameter. For example,{ Set up variables for ParameterEdit }
MetaData(Value, "Revision") = 0; Wrappers such as NumericParameterEdit exist to make this function easier to use. See: ParameterEdit Snap-ins |
GUITransform(0, 1, 1, 0 { Unit Outline },
1 - (Left) { Left Scaling },
Top + PickValid(Height, 0) { Bottom Scaling },
Right { Right Scaling },
1 - (Top + TitleBarHeight) { Top Scaling },
1 { Overall Scaling },
0, 0 { Trajectory, Rotation },
PickValid(DrawOptions, 1), 0 { Visibility, Reserved },
0, 0, 0 { Selectability },
ParmEditObj = \ParameterEdit(
TextHAlign { Parameter Value },
CodePtr { Pointer to Parm Code },
PickValid(DrawOptions, 1) { Enable Flag },
\GetPhrase(PickValid(ParmLabel, \HorizAlignmentLabel))
{ Title },
Modules { Array of Parm Edit Modules },
Contexts { Contexts for Edit Modules },
Parameters { Parameters for Edit Modules},
Invalid { Title Width },
Invalid { Start Index },
PtrWaitClose { Wait to close },
DialogRoot { Calling dialog window }
Related information:
ParameterEdit Snap ins
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