
Description: Obtains the structure of a PPP connection.
Returns: A structure describing the state. See comments
Usage: Script or steady state.
Function Groups: Modem, Serial Port
Related to: PPPDialPPPStatus
Format: PPPStatus(PPPHandle)
The PPP Handle to be monitored.
Comments: If called in script mode, the current state will be returned. If called in steady state, the function will be retriggered each time there is a state change in the parameter, PPPHandle.

The return value is a structure containing the following members:

    ConnectionID: Actually the phonebook entry name, which is a GUID.

    State: See enumeration RASCONNSTATE (defined in the Visual Studio file, ras.h)

    Error: Last error code from RAS (defined in the Visual Studio file, raserror.h)

    RemoteIP: The IP address of the remote peer. Only valid when State is RASCS_Projected or greater.

    LocalIP:  The IP address on this machine that the remote peer is connected to. Only valid when State is RASCS_Projected or greater.

If the PPPHandle parameter is bad, this function will return an Invalid.