
Description: Create a file name that is guaranteed to contain only legal characters.
Returns: Text
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Text
Related to:
Format: \MakeValidFName(FileName)
Required. Any string to be turned into a valid file name.

Any characters in FileName that cannot be used in a file name will be traded for a unique, two-character set: the Delete character (7F) followed by an integer. The integer increments with each successive replacement.
It is important that the parameter FileName not contain the Delete character.

This function was designed to deal with the situation of saving (new format) tags to a database for later retrieval.

Defined at the VTScada level - not available to script applications.


NewName = "VTSDB\Widget.SRC";
NewName = MakeValidFName(NewName);

NewName will now contain "VTSDB⌂0Widget.SRC"