MIBPath |
Required. A path to any single MIB or a directory containing MIBs (possibly in further subdirectories). The returned MIB dictionary will also include those elements of the base MIBs found in <VTSInstallDir>\MIBS that are referenced in the MIB found in MIBPath. If Invalid, then the returned MIB dictionary will only include the base MIBS. |
SubIDIndexing |
An optional Boolean expression. If TRUE, then items in the returned MIB dictionary are keyed by numeric portion of the OID for that element. If FALSE, then the items are keyed by the label for the element. Defaults to TRUE. |
LoadDescriptions |
An optional Boolean expression. If TRUE, then the returned MIB dictionary will contain any description for the element (which may be lengthy). If FALSE, then no description is loaded. The default is TRUE. |
ErrorOut |
An optional variable into which any errors found in parsing the MIBs will be returned. Will take the form of a linked list of error message structures. The message structure will contain two fields: Error, containing the error text and Next containing the next error message structure, if any. |
Comments: |
VTScada supports only ASCII-encoded MIB files. The return value is a Dictionary representing the MIBs specified. Depending on the actual element, the following members may be present