
(RPC Manager Library)

Description: Determines whether two names or IPs indicate the same workstation. This subroutine returns a "1" if the two names or IPs (any combination) refer to the same workstation.
Returns: Boolean
Function Groups: Network
Usage: Steady State only.
Related to:
Format: \RPCManager\IsMatch(Name1, Name2);
Required. Any of the names or IPs by which the first workstation is known to the RPC Manager.
Required. Any of the names or IPs by which the second workstation is known to the RPC Manager.
Comments: This subroutine is a member of the RPC Manager's Library, and must therefore be prefaced by \RPCManager\, as shown in the "Format" section. If the application you are developing is a script application, the subroutine call must be prefaced by System\RPCManager\, and the System variable must be declared in AppRoot.src.
The return value from this function will be a "1" if the two names or IPs (any combination) refer to the same workstation.