
(Use for rounding by adding 0.5)

Description: Integer Portion of Number. This function returns the portion of a number before the decimal point. Also used for rounding.
Returns: Integer
Usage: Script or steady state.
Function Groups: Rounding Math
Related to: Ceil |Step
Format: Int(X)
Required. Any numeric expression. Normally this is a floating point value.


The Int function is sometimes referred to as "floor."

To round a number instead of truncating it, add 0.5 to each value.


a = Int(1.00);
b = Int(1.12);
c = Int(1.99);
d = Int(2.00);
e = Int(-1.00);
f = Int(-1.9);

 The variables a, b, c, d, e and f will have values of 1, 1, 1, 2, -1 and -2 respectively.

x1 = 3.4;
y1 = 4.7;
x2 = Int(x1 + 0.5);
y2 = Int(y1 + 0.5);

The value of x2 and y2 in the above example will be 3 and 5 respectively. Notice how adding 0.5 to each value causes the Int function to perform mathematical rounding (of the original value, not the sum) rather than truncation.