
Description: Returns the file system path to the application's working copy folder.
Returns: Text
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Configuration Management
Related to: GetOEMLayer |
Format: Layer\GetWCPath
Parameters: none
Comments: The retrieved path includes the trailing backslash.


This snippet from a script application will display the working copy path for the completed tutorial. (The GUID of the completed tutorial may vary.)

  TutGUID = "db53f244-90ef-4628-bdf6-2d53794a2079";
Main [
  If !Valid(WaitObj) && !Valid(TestLayer)  WaitTestLayerLoad;
    { GetAppInstance doesn't return the Layer until it has loaded. }
    WaitObj = Layer\GetAppInstance(TestLayerGUID, &TestLayer);
WaitTestLayerLoad [
  WC = TestLayer\GetWCPath();
  ZText(100, 100 { Lower left corner of text },
    WC { Text to display },
    0 { Text is black },
    0 { Use default font });