
Description: Returns a structure that holds details of the computer's power supply status.
Returns: Structure containing four elements
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Network & Workstation
Related to:  
Format: GetPowerState()
Parameters: none

This function is intended for use when the workstation is running on battery power, whether UPS or laptop battery. The return structure contains the following elements:

PowerStatus (Short. AC line status.
0 == Offline
1 == Online
255 == Unknown status.)

BatteryState (Short. Indicates the battery charge status as follows:
1 == High
2 == Low
4 == Critical
8 == Charging
128 == No system battery
255 == Unknown satus

BatteryLevel (Short. The remaining charge in the battery, expressed as a percentage.)

BatteryLifetime (Double. Estimated number of seconds of charge remaining in battery.)


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PowerState          = GetPowerState();