
(Alarm Manager module)

Description: Given an alarm record, returns the tag name.
Returns: Text
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Alarm
Related to: GetAlarmObject
Format: \AlarmManager\GetNameOfRecord(AlarmRecord[, ParentTag])
Required record. A reference to the alarm, as returned by the function GetAlarmObject.
Optional. The parent tag's name. If valid, this value will be stripped from the result.

This function is intended primarily for presentation purposes.

The function will return whichever of the following, in order, for which it can find a valid value: the relative tag name, the full name, or the unique ID (alarm name).


 { Given an array of alarm records, get the tag object from the alarm name whenever
   the array index, SelRecord, changes.  }
If Watch(1, Records[SelRecord]\GUID);
  \AlarmManager\GetAlarmObject(Records[SelRecord]\Name, &Root);
  ShortName = \AlarmManager\GetNameOfRecord(Records[SelRecord]);