
Description: Monitors the card reader for a smartcard and reads the certificate information from it. If Multiple usable certificates are found (useable defined as the presence of subject alternate name field), It will spawn a windows certificate selector and use the certificate returned by that.
Warning: This function should be used only by advanced programmers.

Boolean. Set to TRUE if a card was present.

Outputs the Marshalled credential of the certificate, the UPN, and the sha1 hash of the certificate in the parameters.

Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Security
Related to: WindowsLogon
Format: GetLogonCredentialsFromSmartcard(MarshalledCredential, Username, Sha1)
Required. The marshalled credential used with WindowsLogon
Required. A variable in which the username found in the certificate will be returned in UPN format (e.g.
Required. A variable in which the variable the Sha1 hash of the certificate will be returned.
Comments: Only one instance of the function should be run on a system at once. Having multiple instances of the function can result in multiple certificate dialogs spawning for a single card insertion event. The function monitors the card reader in its own thread, so it doesn’t cause any blocking.