
Description: Generates a digital signature of a handle returned from Hash().
Returns: Text
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Cryptography
Related to: CheckSignature | Hash
Format: GenerateSignature(HashObj [, Key, PaddingType, PadHashAlgorithm, SaltLength)

Required. Handle returned from a call to Hash()

Optional. CNG (Cryptography New Generation) only. The cryptographic key to be used to sign the data. This must be an asymmetric private key.

Optional integer. Can be one of the following values:


0~No padding is to added to the plaintext data before signing.

1~Padding is added to the data before signing in accordance with the RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme.

2~Padding is added to the data before signing in accordance with the RSASSA-PSS scheme.


Optional text value. The algorithm to be used for padding the data. The hash is then signed.
Optional integer. Only required for RSASSA-PSS padding. This is the length of the salt used by that scheme.
Comments Using an asymmetric key for signing is quite expensive compared to an HMAC with a symmetric key. For this reason, the data itself is not signed, but hashed and then the hash signed. This is much more efficient.


{========================== GenerateSignatureSample ==========================}
{ Sample code using GenerateSignature().                                      }
  Message                     { Message to sign                               };
  pPublicKeyBlob              { Output, set to exported public key blob       };
  Protected Constant CALG_RSA_SIGN = 0x2400  { Key type                       };
  Protected Constant PROV_RSA_AES  = 24      { Enhanced RSA/AES provider      };
  Protected Constant KEY_SIZE      = 2048    { 2048 bit keys                  };
  Protected Constant PUBLICKEYBLOB = 6       { PUBLICKEYBLOB                  };
  Protected Constant CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT = 0xF0000000 { CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT   };

  Protected CSP               { Cryptographic context                         };
  Protected HashObj           { Intermediate handle returned from Hash()      };
  Protected Key               { Handle to signing key pair                    };
  Protected Signature         { RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 signature                   };

Sign [
  If 1;
    { Get cryptographic context }
    CSP = GetCryptoProvider(PROV_RSA_AES, Invalid, Invalid, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT);

    { Generate a RSA key pair for signing }
    Key = GenerateKey(CSP, CALG_RSA_SIGN, (KEY_SIZE << 16));

    { Export the public key }
    *pPublicKeyBlob = ExportKey(Key, PUBLICKEYBLOB);

    { Compute a SHA-256 hash of the message }
    Hash(Message, 2 {SHA-256}, Invalid, HashObj, CSP);

    { Generate RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 signature }
    Signature = GenerateSignature(HashObj);


{ End of GenerateSignatureSample }



  Hash(HeaderBuffer, 2, Invalid, HashHandle);   { Hash the header }
  Hash(PayloadBuffer, 2, Invalid, HashHandle);  { then the payload }
  Signature = GenerateSignature(HashHandle,             { Hash to sign }
                                Certificate.PrivateKey, { Private key to use }
                                2,                      { Use PSS padding }
                                "SHA256",               { Padding algorithm }
                                32);                    { PSS salt length }