
Description: Calculates the hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) for a given key and input message. Supports incremental HMAC generation.
Returns: Text
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Cryptography
Related to: CryptRandom
Format: GenerateHMAC(Algorithm, Key, Message)

Required text. The hash algorithm to use. Any of the Microsoft CNG hashing algorithms may be used, including "SHA1", "SHA256", "SHA384", "SHA512" and others. A list is available at

Required text. The text string key to use for the HMAC.
Required text. The text string to use as the input message

Optional. If the parameter is Invalid or omitted, GenerateHMAC simply generates the HMAC for the supplied buffer.

If the parameter is present, it must be a variable that will be set to a hash handle holding the current hash value. This can then be passed in as the 4th parameter to a further call to GenerateHMAC to add the contents of another buffer to the HMAC

Comments HMAC stands for keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code.


  CurrentHMAC = Invalid;
  GenerateHMAC("SHA256", SigningKey, FirstBuffer, CurrentHMAC);
  GenerateHMAC("SHA256", "", FirstBuffer, CurrentHMAC);
  FinalHMAC = GenerateHMAC("SHA256", "", Invalid, CurrentHMAC);

Note that the first 3 parameters must be valid. In this example, SigningKey is a text string used to "seed" the HMAC. To continue an incremental HMAC, the Key parameter must be an empty string to indicate that the omission of a signing key is intentional. Passing Invalid for the Message (3rd) parameter completes the HMAC and returns the generated HMAC. Completing the HMAC invalidates the incremental HMAC value.