
RPC Manager Library

Description: Sets the servership of an application service to a specific state.
Returns: Invalid
Usage: Script Only. (Subroutine call)
Function Groups: Network
Related to:  
Format: \RPCManager\ForceServers(Service, ServerStates, [OptGUID])
Name by which the service is known.
A 2D array of servers and their states.
The GUID of the application in which the service instance is located. Optional, the default is the application to which the caller belongs.
Comments: The server states are defined by a 2D array, with row [0] listing the servers and row[1] listing the states.
The servers MUST appear in the same order as returned from GetServersListed for the service. The state values are zero (undetermined), #RPCClient or #RPCServer. These values then get reflected in the RPCStatus to that service.