Deprecated. Do not use in new code.
Description: |
Forces the editor to perform an action based on the information provided. |
Returns: |
Nothing |
Usage: |
Script or steady state. |
Function Groups: |
Editor |
Related to: |
AddEditorText | CurrentLine | Editor | GoToOffset | MakeEditor | SetEditMode |
Format: |
ForceEvent(EditorValue, EventType, Parm1, Parm2, Parm3) |
Parameters: |
EditorValue |
Required. An editor value that has been created by MakeEditor. |
EventType |
Required. Any numeric expression that gives the type of event for the editor to perform.EventType | Type of event |
-1 | Tab | 0 | Cursor left | 1 | Cursor right | 2 | Cursor up | 3 | Cursor down | 4 | Enter | 5 | Delete next character | 6 | Delete previous character | 7 | Move cursor to beginning of line | 8 | Move cursor to end of line | 9 | Move cursor up one page | 10 | Move cursor down one page | 11 | Move cursor to start of the Editor | 12 | Move cursor to end of the Editor | 13 | Move the selection block left one character | 14 | Move the selection block right one character | 15 | Move the selection block up one line | 16 | Move the selection block down one line | 17 | Cut the selection block from the editor to the clipboard | 18 | Copy the selection block from the editor to the clipboard | 19 | Insert the text from the clipboard into the editor | 20 | Toggle block line, column selection mode | 21 | Turn the selection block off | 22 | Delete the current line | 23 | Scroll down one line | 24 | Scroll up one line | 25 | Move the editor to the given byte offset | 26 | Move cursor to the given pixel coordinates if they lie within the editor's defined region | 27 | Insert the supplied text at the current cursor position |
Parm1 |
Required. An expression that has a different meaning based on the event type being forced.EventType | Parm1 Meaning | Parm1 Value |
0 - 24 | No meaning | 0 | 25 | Offset to which to move the cursor | Byte offset | 26 | Location to which to move the cursor | X pixel location | 27 | Text to insert | Text string |
Parm2 |
Required. An expression that has a different meaning based on the event type being forced.EventType | Parm2 Meaning | Parm2 Value |
0 - 24 | No meaning | 0 | 25 | Highlight characters at new location 1 | | ?? | Don't select any characters 0 | | 26 | Location to which to move the cursor | Y pixel location | 27 | No meaning | 0 |
Parm3 |
Required. An expression that has a different meaning based on the event type being forced.EventType | Parm3 Meaning | Parm3 Value |
0 - 24 | No meaning | 0 | 25 | Characters to highlight | Number of chars | 26, 27 | No meaning | 0 |
textEd = MakeEditor(){ Create the editor };
ForceEvent(textEd { Use a certain editor },
25 { Move to the given byte offset },
115 { Move 115 bytes from current location },
1 { Highlight characters at new location },
10 { Highlight the next 10 chars });
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