
Description: Returns the focus ID of the object in a window that has the input focus.
Returns: Numeric
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Window,  Graphics,  Keyboard
Related to: NextFocusID
Format: FocusID(Window)
Required. Any object value that will specify the instance of a window.
Optional Boolean. If True then focus calls are module-specific (i.e. local to the module calling Focus.)

If the window is inactive, this function will return the focus ID of the object that will receive the input focus when the window becomes active.

FocusID values have a valid range of 0 to 32767. Values outside this range are likely to cause the object to vanish.


ZButton(10, 100, 110, 130, "OK", 1);
If LocSwitch() == 4 { Left mouse button pressed };
  IfThen(FocusID(Self()) != 1 { Focus leaves the OK button },
        NextFocusID(Self(), 1) { Return focus to OK button });

This set of statements ensures that after any input by the mouse (i.e. clicking of the left mouse button), the focus will return to the "OK" button.