
Description: Create a new dictionary with contents identical to an existing dictionary. It is expected that this function will be used rarely, since in most cases it will be more efficient to hand off a reference to a dictionary rather than build a duplicate of it.
In the case of a complex dictionary that contains other dictionaries within it, the optional Boolean parameter, deep, controls whether the copy should also contain the sub dictionaries, as does the original, or if it should contain copies of those dictionaries.
Returns: Dictionary
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Dictionary,  Variable
Related to: Dictionary | MetaData | DictionaryRemove | GetNextKey | GetKeyCount | HasMetaData | IsDictionary | ListKeys | RootValue
Format: NewDictionary = DictionaryCopy(dictionary[, deep, acyclic, lock] );
Required. The name of the dictionary.
Optional. A Boolean that causes all linked dictionaries, if any, to be copied as well. Defaults to FALSE
Optional. A Boolean  indicating that cyclic links within the dictionary structure should not be included in the copy. Defaults to FALSE
Optional. A Boolean  indicating that the contents of the dictionary copy are to be constant. Defaults to FALSE