
Description: Deletes a variable from a module.
Warning: This function should be used by advanced users only. Irrevocable alteration of your application may occur.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Compilation and On-Line Modifications,  Variable
Related to: DeleteModule| DeleteOptional| DeleteState | DeleteStatement
Format: DeleteVariable(Variable[, IgnoreSource])
Required. Any expression that gives the variable value to delete.
An optional Boolean expression. If true, the function will ignore out-of-sync source files and not attempt to make any source file changes. The result is convenient deletion of non-temporary variables without having the function modify the corresponding source code. Defaults to FALSE.
Comments: If IgnoreSource is FALSE or not provided then the corresponding text for the deleted variable is removed from the source file. However, this is only true if the variable is not a temporary variable, and only if the files are in sync. DeleteVariable will fail if there are any references to the variable to be deleted.