
Description: This is a trace engine that records live data to a SQL database.
Returns: Numeric
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Database and Data Source
Related to: Trace Viewer Application
Format: DBTrace(FileName, FriendlyName, MyTrigger)
Required. The name (not the path or extension) of the database file to which DBTrace should record trace data.
Required. A name for this trace instance that is more meaningful to users.
Required. The address of the trigger variable that enables this trace.
Comments: DBTrace writes the actual data to the database (using a separate thread) and maintains a live communication buffer with the Trace Viewer.
DBTrace provides a number of methods that allow the trace to define the format of the main table, plus additional tables for filtering and conversion of values to user-meaningful names. Information about these methods are available upon request.

Do not launch this module, rather, launch the constructor (to create the thread).