
Description: Returns the number of seconds, in local or UTC time, since midnight of January 1, 1970 (where "midnight" is 00:00).
Returns: Numeric (double)
Usage: Script only.
Function Groups: Time and Date
Related to: Now | Seconds | Today | TimeArrived
Format: CurrentTime([TimeType] )
Any expression that evaluates to a 0 or 1. When 0, it indicates that time returned should be local time.
If set to 1, indicates that the current UTC time should be returned.
Defaults to 0 if missing or Invalid.

This function solves the problem encountered when using Seconds together with Today to determine the current date and time, when the time is within a fraction of a second of midnight.
This function assumes that "midnight" on January 1, 1970 is 00:00, rather than 24:00 on a 24-hour clock.
The returned value is accurate to three decimal points (milliseconds).

Example 1:

If ! Valid(RightNow);
  RightNow = CurrentTime(); 

This assigns the current time in seconds since midnight on January 1, 1970 to the double variable rightNow.

Example 2:

You may have a need to format a CurrentTime value for display to a user.

Given that there are 86400 seconds in a day, you can format the timestamp as follows:

If ! Valid(LocalNow);
  LocalNow = CurrentTime(0); 
  DisplayNow = concat(Date(LocalNow / 86400, 4), " - ", 
                           Time(LocalNow % 86400, 2));