
(VoiceTalk Module)

Description Is used to define how a speech stream will sound and where it will be heard.
Returns Numeric
Usage Script Only.
Function Groups Speech and Sound
Related to: GetDevices | GetVoices | Reset | ShowLexicon | Speak | SpeakToFile | VoiceTalk
Format VoiceTalkStream\Configure([Voice, Device, Rate, Volume])
Required. A speech stream returned from VoiceTalk.
Optional  Specifies the name of the voice in which to speak. This should be one of the voice names returned from a VoiceTalk\GetVoices call, or Invalid to not change the voice.
Optional  Specifies where to play back the voice. This can either be a system device ID (), or the name of a device (such as returned from a call to VoiceTalk\GetDevices()).
-1 is the default - usually speaker audio
Optional  Specifies the speed at which the voice is to speak. Normal speed is "0". Valid values are from -10 (very slow) to 10 (very fast). The default is "0".
Optional  Specifies the volume at which the voice is to speak. Valid values are from 0 (silent), to 100 (full speaker volume). The default is 100.
Comments A speech stream can be configured to sound differently by changing the rate and volume parameters. To configure output to go to another device, such as a modem, change the Device parameter.
If a voice or device is specified which is not valid for this stream, or a problem is encountered while trying to change the stream configuration, the stream will be left unchanged.
"VTSFileOutput" is a valid device name. When used, the Speak() module will no longer work, but the SpeakToFile() module can be used to speak a phrase into a .wav file.
This return value is the Windows error code for the problem encountered, or zero if there was no problem.

Will compile and work once if called from Steady State - this is not recommended practice.