
Description: Eliminate invalid array entries.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Array
Related to: ArrayOp1 | ArrayOp2 | AValid | Filter
Purpose: This statement moves all of the valid array entries to the first part of the array, maintaining the order of the valid elements.
Format: Compress(ArrayElem, N)
Required. Any array element giving the starting point for the array search. The subscript for the array may be any numeric expression.If processing a multidimensional array, the usual rules apply to decide which dimension should be examined.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the number of array elements to use starting at the element given by the first parameter.
If N extends past the upper bound of the array dimension, this computation will "wrap-around" and resume at element 0, until N elements have been processed.
Comments: None


Init [
  If 1 Main; 
    x[0] = 4; 
    x[1] = Invalid; 
    x[2] = 5; 
    x[3] = 6; 
    x[4] = Invalid; 
    x[5] = 3; 
    Compress(x[0], 6); 

This will result in the first 4 elements of array x being set to 4, 5, 6 and 3 respectively, with the last 2 elements being set invalid.