System layer
Color1 |
Required. Any text expression giving the aRGB value of the first color. |
Color2 |
Required. Any text expression giving the aRGB value of the second color. |
Ratio |
Optional. Any numeric expression for a value between 0 and 1. The larger the Ratio, the closer the resulting color will be to Color1. Default = 0.5 |
Comments: |
Returns an aRGB value for a color that is a blend of Color1 and Color2. By default, the values will be averaged, but any ratio between the two colors can be specified. Blend is especially useful for creating accent colors in dialog boxes. |
LineColor = PickValid(\System.ColorTools\Blend(TextColor, BGColor, 0.1), TextColor);
Sets the color of an accent line to be similar to a preset background color but with 10% of the preset text color.