
Security Manager Module

Description Either creates, or attempts to log in using an alternate ID value. See comments.
Returns Boolean
Usage Script Only.
Related to: AlternateIdCheck | AlternateLogoff | Authenticate | LogOff | QuietLogon | UserCredChange | UserLogonDialog
Format \SecurityManager\AlternateLogon(AltID, Logon)
The plaintext alternate ID use.
Flag, TRUE to stop set of AltID
Comments This module call has two modes of operation.

If the SecurityManager user modification dialog is open and Logon is invalid or FALSE, the AltID string is interpreted as the Alternate ID value for the new or existing user account being configured. The intent here is for devices such as swipe card readers to be used to provide the alternate ID.

If the SecurityManager user modification dialog is not open or if Logon is TRUE, attempts to sign in the user whose AltID string matches the supplied parameter.

Returns TRUE if the accept/attempt action was successful, otherwise returns FALSE.