Preset Time Periods for Reports

The Reporting Period section of the Reports page includes a Presets drop-down list, containing the following time periods:

Preset Description
Last 60 minutes before trigger time The report will include all data that has been collected over the last hour time period, ending with the current time.
Last 2 hours before trigger time The report will include all data that has been collected over the last two-hour time period, ending with the current time.
Last 4 hours before trigger time The report will include all data that has been collected over the last four-hour time period, ending with the current time.
Last 12 hours before trigger time The report will include all data that has been collected over the last twelve-hour time period, ending with the current time.
Last 24 hours before trigger time The report will include all data that has been collected over the last twenty-four-hour time period, ending with the current time.
Last 2 days before trigger time The report will include all data that has been collected over the last forty-eight-hour time period, ending with the current time.
Last 4 days before trigger time The report will include all data that has been collected over the last ninety-six-hour time period, ending with the current time.
Last 7 days before trigger time The report will include all data that has been collected over the last week, ending with the current time.
Previous calendar day The report will include all data that has been collected for the previous day, starting at midnight yesterday, and ending at midnight on the current date.
Previous calendar week The report will include all data that has been collected for the previous week, starting at midnight seven days previous, and ending at midnight on the current date.
Previous calendar month The report will include all data that has been collected for the previous month, starting at midnight on the first day of the previous month, and ending at midnight on the first day of the current month.
Previous calendar quarter The report will include all data that has been collected for the previous four months, starting at midnight on the first day four months previous, and ending at midnight on the first day of the current month.
Previous calendar year The report will include all data that has been collected for the previous year, starting at midnight on the first day of the previous year, and ending at midnight on the first day of the current year.
Current Day The report will use all data collected from midnight until the current time today.
Current Week The report will use all data collected from Midnight Sunday of this until the moment that the report is run.
Current Month The report will use all data collected so far during the current calendar month.
Current Quarter The report uses all data collected so far during the three months making up the current quarter of the year.
Current Year The report uses all data collected so far this year.
Custom Automatically set when you use the date or time selectors.