Tag Names in Code
There are several instances where you may need to refer to a tag type by its name in code. For example if using the ODBC interface to query tag parameter data (Select * from Parms_AnalogStatus).
Custom types that you create will use the name that you assigned in the original Context tag.
Tag | Name in code |
Allen Bradley DF1 Compatible PLC/RTU | ABDriver |
Alarm Database | AlarmDatabase |
Alarm | AlarmPoint |
Alarm Priority | AlarmPriority |
Alarm Status | AlarmStatus |
Analog Control | AnalogControl |
Analog Input | AnalogInput |
Analog Output | AnalogOutput |
Analog Statistics | AnalogStatistics |
Analog Status | AnalogStatus |
BACnet Driver | BACnetDriver |
CIP/ENIP Device | CIPENIPDriver |
Grundfos Dedicated Controls | CU36XController |
Grundfos Dedicated Controls Custom Data Log | CU36XControllerCustomDataLog |
Grundfos Dedicated Controls Event Log | CU36XControllerEventLog |
Grundfos Dedicated Controls\\Pump | CU36XControllerPump |
Calculation | Calculation |
Campbell Scientific Array Driver | CampbellRTU |
Comm Link Sequencer | CommLinkSequencer |
Context | ContextTag |
Counter | CounterTag |
Simulator Connection | CustomerConnection |
DDE Client | DDEDriver |
DNP3 Compatible RTU | DNP3Driver |
Data Flow System RTU | DataFlow |
CalAmp Diagnostic Driver | DataradioDriver |
Deadband Control | DeadbandControl |
Digital Control | DigitalControl |
Digital Input | DigitalInput |
Digital Output | DigitalOutput |
Digital Statistics | DigitalStatistics |
Digital Status | DigitalStatus |
Driver Multiplexer | DriverMUX |
Enron MODBUS Driver | EnronDriver |
Omron FINS Driver | FINSDriver |
Font Style | FontValue |
Function | Function |
GE Series 90 Driver | GESeries90Driver |
Grundfos Control MPC | GrundfosBooster |
Grundfos Control MPC\\Pump | GrundfosBoosterPump |
Historian | HistorianTag |
History Statistics | HistoryStats |
IEC 60870-5 Driver | IEC60870Driver |
I/O and Calculations | IO |
IP Network Listener | IPNetworkListener |
JSON/XML Driver | JSONXMLDriver |
Koyo DirectNET | KoyoDriver |
Logger | LogPoint |
MDS Diagnostic Driver | MDSDriver |
MPE Duplexer Station | MPEDuplexer |
MPE Duplexer Station\\Pump | MPEDuplexerPump |
MPE SC Station | MPESC |
MPE SC Station\\Pump | MPESCPump |
MQTT Client Driver | MQTTClientDriver |
Menu Item | MenuItemTag |
Modem | Modem |
Modbus Compatible Device | ModiconDriver |
Motorola IP Gateway | MotorolaGateway |
Motorola ACE RTU | MotorolaRTUDriver |
MultiSmart Station | MultiSmart |
MultiSmart Station\\Well\\Profile | MultiSmartProfile |
MultiSmart Station\\Pump | MultiSmartPump |
Multi-Write | MultiWrite |
NMEA 0183 Driver | NMEADriver |
Network Status | NetworkStatus |
Notebook | Notebook |
OPC Client | OPCClientDriver |
OPC Server Setup | OPCServerSetup |
OPC UA Client Driver | OPCUAClientDriver |
Omron Host Link PLC | OmronDriver |
PLC Alarm | PLCAlarm |
Campbell Scientific PakBus Driver | PakBusDriver |
Polling Driver | PollDriver |
Data Flow Pulse Input | PulseInput |
Pump Status | Pump |
Fisher ROC Driver | ROCDriver |
Rate of Change | RateOfChangeTag |
Realm Display Setup | RealmDisplaySetup |
Report | Report |
Roster | Roster |
SMS Appliance | SMSAppliance |
SNMP Managed Device | SNMPDriver |
SQL Data Query Driver | SQLDataQueryDriver |
SQL Logger | SQLLogger |
SQL Logger Group | SQLLoggerGroup |
Script | Script |
Selector Switch | SelectorSwitch |
Serial Port | SerialPort |
Siemens S7 PLC | SiemensS7Driver |
String I/O | StringIO |
Style Settings | StyleSettings |
Subordinate Application | SubordinateApplication |
TCP/IP Port | TCPIPPort |
TI505 Device | TI505Driver |
Tesco Data Express Plus Driver | TescoDriver |
Totalizer | TotalizerTag |
Transaction Logger | TransactionTag |
Trigger | TriggerTag |
UDP/IP Port | UDPIPPort |
Veeder Root Driver | VeederRootDriver |
WorkStation Driver | WorkStationStatusDriver |