Allen-Bradley Driver I/O Addressing

VTScada supports native device address formats. For example, in a PLC5 "T4:1.ACC".

Bit-wise addressing for binary and integer formats is written by following the element with "/bit-number", except for timers which use a dot notation.


VTScada performs limited range checking on addresses and does not attempt correlate to the explicit ranges of all PLC models (i.e. some PLC’s may have limits which are more restrictive). Refer to the following list for structure member mnemonics that are supported by VTScada.


Some other structure members can be referenced via their bit number directly (for example /bb). Refer to the Allan Bradley documentation for the full structure definition.


PLC-3, PLC-5, SLC-500 and MicroLogix 1100-1500 have similar address format. PLC-2’s linear addressing scheme is listed separately. PLC-5/250 is not documented.

Input / Output Tables file - Logical address

I:xxx/bb for inputs

O:xxx/bb for outputs

xxx is octal rack and group number. Range is 0 – 377 for the PLC-3 and 0 -1999 for PLC-5

/bb is the optional bit number

Status Files - Logical address


xxx is the word number (decimal). Range of 0 – 9999 on the PLC-3.

/bb is the optional bit number

Binary Files - Logical address


n is the file number. Range 3 or (user-defined) 9 to 9999 for non-PLC-3 and 0 to 9999 on PLC-3.

xxx element number Range 0 to 1999 in the PLC-5

/bb is the optional bit number

Timer Files - Logical address


n is the file number. Range 4 or (user-defined) 9 to 9999 for non-PLC-3 and 0 to 9999 on PLC-3.

xxx element number Range 0 to 1999 in the PLC-5

neu is a structure mnemonic as follows:

PRE, ACC (PLC-5 and MicroLogix)

PRE, ACC, EN, TT, DN (SLC-500)

Counter Files - Logical address


n is the file number. Range 5 or (user-defined) 9 to 9999 for non-PLC-3 and 0 to 9999 on PLC-3.

xxx element number. Range 0 to 1999 in the PLC-5

neu is a structure mnemonic as follows:

PRE, ACC (PLC-5 and MicorLogix)

PRE, ACC, CU, CD, DN, OV, UN, UA (SLC-500)

Control Files - Logical address


n is the file number. Range 6 or (user-defined) 9 to 9999 for non-PLC-3 and 0 to 9999 on PLC-3.

xxx element number. Range 0 to 1999 in the PLC-5

neu is a structure mnemonic.

PRE, ACC (PLC-5 and MicroLogix)

LEN, POS, EN, EU, DN, EM, ER, UL, IN, FD (SLC-500)

Integer Files - Logical address


n is the file number. Range 7 or (user-defined) 9 to 9999 for non-PLC-3 and 0 to 9999 on PLC-3.

xxx element number. Range 0 to 1999 in the PLC-5

/bb is the optional bit number

Float Files - Logical address


n is the file number. Range 8 or (user-defined) 9 to 9999 for non-PLC-3 and 0 to 9999 on PLC-3.

xxx element number. Range 0 to 1999 in the PLC-5

ASCII Files - Logical address


n is the file number.

xxx element number. Range 0 to 1999 in the PLC-5 and 0 – 9999 in the PLC-3

String Files - Logical address

STn:xxx or Sn:xxx in the PLC-3

n is the file number.

xxx element number. Range 0 to 1999 in the PLC-5 and 0 – 9999 in the PLC-3

PID Files (PLC-5 only) - Logical address


n is the file number.

xxx element number Range 0 to 1999

neu is a structure mnemonic (see following table)

Bit Words: CTRL, STS (need a /bb to access specific bits)

Floats (structure mnemonics)

SP Set Point
KP Proportional Gain
KI Initial Gain
KD Derivative Gain
BIAS Output Bias %
MAXS Maximum Scaled Value
MINS Minimum Scaled Value
DB Dead Band
SO Set Output %
MAXO Maximum Output Limit
MINO Minimum Output Limit
UPD Update Time
PV Process Variable
ERR Error: Scaled
OUT Output
PVH PV Alarm High
PVL PV Alarm Low
DVP Deviation Alarm +
DVN Deviation Alarm –
PVDB PV Alarm Dead Band
DVDB Deviation Alarm Dead Band
MAXI Maximum Input
MINI Minimum Input
TIE Tieback %
Long: ADDR Master-to-Slave Address

BCD Files (PLC-3 only) - Logical address


n is the file number

xxx element number. Range limit 0 to 9999

Data Logger Historical Reads


X is the queue number

Y is the element number.

The queue number can range between 0 and 255. The element number can range between 1 and 11.

PLC 2 Linear Addressing


xxx is an octal number

/bb is an optional bit octal number

PLC-5/250 - call for support


Mnemonics that are not supported:

  • .EN for a Timer Mnemonics.
    You may be able to access this directly using /15.
  • .DN syntax a Timer Mnemonics.
    You may be able to access these bits directly using /13.
  • .SWM syntax for a PID Mnemonic.
    You may be able to access this bit directly by using /4.